Advent in Renaissance Bohemia

from 17:00
to 18:00

J. H. Gallus, J. Rychnovský,
J. C. Vodňanský


Victoria Ensemble – Vocal and instrumental Ensemble:
Viktorie Kaplanová – Soprano,
Michaela Králová – Contralto,
Ondřej Holub – Tenor,
Štěpán Pokorný – Bass,
Marie Vencourová – Flutes,
Přemysl Vacek – Lute

Jan Campanus VODŇANSKÝ 1572 – 1622

Rorando coeli defluant

Jacob Handl GALLUS 1550 – 1591

Ecce concipies
Natus est nobis
Resonet in laudibus

The Jistebnice Chant Book 1420

Stala sě jest věc divná (A Miraculous Thing)
Dietky mladé i staré (Children Young and Old)

The Speciálník Codex 1480 – 1500

In natali Domini
In hoc anni circulo
Cedit meror eminus

The Prague NUK Manuscript 16th century

Velice přeutěšený den (O Day of Comfort)
Múdrost múdrosti (O Wisdom of the Highest)
Mladí, staří (All Folks Young and Old)

Petrus Wilhelmi de GRUDENZ 1492 – 1480

Pán Ježíš narozený – Tři králové ptali jsú se (Lord Jesus is Born)

The Mladá Boleslav Chant Book 1572

Ej, Pán andělský (Behold, the King of Angels)

Jiří RYCHNOVSKÝ 1540 – 1616

Prorokovali proroci (As Prophets Fortold)

The Franus Chant Book 1505

Unde gaudent angeli and Andělé radost jměli
Solis praevia
Omnis mundus iocundetur

Sedlčany (Kopidlanského) Chant Book 17th century

Narodil se Kristus Pán (Christ Our Lord is Born)

The Prachatice Chant Book 1610

Prorokovali proroci (The Prophets Have Foretold)
Nobis est natus
Větší lásky (No Greater Love)

The Benešov Chant Book 1574 – 1596

Vesele zpívejme (Let Us Sing with Merry Voices)
Poslán jest od Boha anjel (An Angel Sent from God)

Program subject to change
Book Tickets Online

Ticket prices

550 CZK
Children 10-15 years old
Students under 26 years of age
Seniors 65+
(after presenting a student ID)
350 CZK
Children under 10 years of age
Free of charge

Ticket office

Tickets can be purchased at the church box office daily from 9:00 to 16:30 (until 17:00 on concert days)