Zaimlová Zuzana


Zuzana Zaimlová has absolved the Conservatory in České Budějovice and Academy of Ancient Music in Brno in singing, as well as the Faculty of Education in University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice in Czech language and musical education. She has long been involved in the authentic interpretation of ancient music. She has performed with Trio Ridente, Collegium musicum Budvicense, Ensemble 18+, Perchta, Cantus firmus, Ars antiquitatis, Musica Florea etc. She is a founding member and artistic leader of Amor aeternus, focusing on the authentical interpretation of liturgical Baroque music. She performs mainly in chamber music concerts. She has performed several modern premieres of music by the old masters as well as world premieres. She is involved in charity concerts (hospice care, dilapidated monuments) as a singer and organizer. Occasionally and with joy sings in worships services. She is a member of South Bohemian Theatre Opera Ensemble. Since 2003 se has been teaching singing to all age groups.

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