The Choir and Orchestra of CTU Art Association


The Choir of Czech Technical University has a long tradition dating back to 1949. With about a hundred members, it is one of the largest musical ensembles in Prague. Although it is an amateur choir, many excellent professional musicians have taken turns to lead the choir during its history, the last ones being Karel Prokop, Jana Steyer and Jiří Voběrek. The choir’s repertoire is a classical music ranging from the Renaissance to the present day, with special attention paid to the music of the Czech composers. The CTU Choir regularly performs at concerts and music festivals both in the Czech Republic and abroad, while cooperating with many professional musical bodies (Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra, North Bohemian Philharmonic Teplice, Music of the Castle Guard and Police of the Czech Republic, Big Band Příbram, and in the 2023 season the choir is preparing a collaboration with the Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra), with which they performs on Prague’s leading concert halls (Dvořák Hall in Rudolfinum, Smetana Hall of the Municipal House, Žofín Palace Hall, Prague Castle’s Spanish Hall and other).

Chamber Orchestra of the Art Association of the CTU in Prague has over 40 year long tradition. During their history the orchestra has performed over 500 pieces of baroque to contemporary world music. The current conductor is Tadeáš Tulach. The orchestra cooperates with the Choir of CTU, especially during Christmas and Easter time.

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